Gansai Tambi watercolours



coloursmy gansai tambi watercolours are here! so excited to try them. the palette looks delish and there are some colours that I don’t see anywhere. check out the pearlescent and glittery ones.

i am going to try this out soon and will post soon.


The flickers of heartbeats

Beckons a lifetime to be sweetly awaited.

The pulsating force lustily pumping away

Within the magic bean as it flutters and grows.

Of love, but until now I never known

So strong and undulating to the rhythm.

This seed of life shining like the North Star

Illuminating; within me.


the Land of Curry


It flies past beyond Lal Quila,
Across the red kingdom,
Formed; imposing
Upon the mughalian lands.

The purple eye cocks
At the Koh-i-Noor
Bound to the peacock throne
Of eternal glitter and shine.

The yamuna gurgles and spews
Under the enamel blue moon.
Its white marbled masoleum gleams
In the ear of times never heard.

Lofty, awaiting resurrection,
The tomb garden echoed
Cries of its unearthly empress,
It transcends paradise.